LIFESTYLE (18+) : How You Can Have The Hottest S£x Of Your Life
by Spice Magazine 4:38 PM
While having s£x isn’t any boomer’s first rodeo, having wild monkey s£x may be less familiar. What’s wild monkey s£x? Imagine the hottest s£xual fantasies you ever conjured up, becoming your reality. But here’s the thing that makes it somewhat elusive; you won’t be having wild monkey s£x if you’re having casual s£x, because the wild monkey variety depends on a powerful heart connection. I can hear the boys’ chorus warming up. “This is just some emotional bullsh*t, right?” Wrong.
A Boat Missed
I’ve spent a lifetime being s£xual, but not in many truly loving relationships, and while s£x sometimes bordered on wild monkey, it rarely reached those heights. S£x has always been important to me, but I missed the wild monkey boat until I finally put s£x and love together. If you’ve never been deeply in love, not infatuated or kind of in love, then you’ve never had wild monkey s£x. The best casual s£x on the planet can’t hold a candle to the wild monkey version. Why? Fair question.
In Love We Trust
If you hope to have the ultimate s£xual pleasure, trust is a major factor. Considering that s£x is the most intimate interpersonal act, it isn’t much of a stretch to see how it’s closely tied to trust, particularly for boomers whose goal is to be in an enduring relationship. It’s also not difficult to grasp how fully trusting a s£xual partner can add to the quality of s£x with that person. Having your s£xual fantasies come to life is far more likely if you’re with a partner who isn’t thinking about feeling safe, and can be completely uninhibited instead.
No Limitations
Then there’s the pleasuring factor. If I love a woman, I’m going to knock myself out to please her s£xually, in any way she desires. I’m in a steamy, hot, loving relationship now, and there’s nothing either of us desires s£xually, that the other isn’t thrilled to provide. I’ve had very few casual s£xual experiences in which my partner was willing to completely let go of all her inhibitions and satisfy my every s£xual fantasy, without reservation. There’s always some holding back in casual s£x because there’s a degree of hesitation being s£xual with a veritable stranger you don’t know, especially today.
I Can’t Get No
There’s also the satisfaction factor. Casual s£x always left me feeling unsatisfied, the amount and duration, notwithstanding. At best, it was a few rungs above self-abuse, which every guy knows doesn’t really satisfy either. Satisfaction-wise, casual s£x is a distant second to wild monkey s£x.
A Body Roadmap
And there’s the familiarity factor, knowing what makes your partner monkey wild, that isn’t possible in casual s£x. I know my partner’s body down to the last freckle, and since we’re in love, we make each other’s s£xual pleasure tantamount. Casual s£x is generally more selfish and self-centered.
Explosive S£x
Pleasure-wise, there’s a world of difference between getting it on just to get off, and getting it on to make your partner’s s£xual world spin blissfully out of control. The incentive to make that a reality is driven by the love you feel for that person. The difference is a deep desire to make their world explode with intense pleasure, knowing they’ll make yours explode too, and out of love, not obligation. Fantasies aren’t going to become realities with a partner we don’t know and love. So wild monkey s£x remains out of reach. And, you can’t buy wild monkey s£x, because s£x for money isn’t remotely authentic.
The Ultimate Turn On
Loving s£x is wild, uncontrolled, uninhibited and without rules. Imagine every one of your s£xual fantasies becoming a reality, without ever having to ask, simply because your partner loves you, knows exactly what you like, and can’t wait to give it all to you. That’s not ever going to happen with someone who doesn’t love you and trust you. Having my sweetheart whisper “I love you”, while being s£xual, arouses me way more than a casual s£x partner screaming, “don’t stop, don’t stop,” ever did
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