Big Brother Diary Session: We are missing our families already

Diary Session: We are missing our families already
Most of our Housemates in the Ruby House seem to be homesick already. In his Diary Session, the confident 23-year-old trainer, - Hakeem became emotional, sending shout-outs to his family, especially to his son and his brother. He encouraged his brother to “drop his album soon” and also mentioned that he’s thinking about him a lot. Botswana’s - Oneal was another hunk who was emotional about his son in the Diary Room today; “I’m just thinking about my son, Biggie.” he said, a bit teary-eyed.

Zimbabwe’s Pokello was amongst the few who were focused on the game and didn’t really have any shout-outs to family and friends. She, instead, established herself as a leader in the house and said she’s really happy that other Housemates are seeing her as the leader she is.

Angola’s Biguesas simply wants to be exemplary to all of Africa and show his fellow Housemates how human beings should treat each other. “We are a family here.” he said.

Maria, from Namibia, pleaded with her family to take care of her grandfather, as she misses them all.
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